The Power of the Pause 10 Reason Why Slowing Down Can Speed Up Your Happiness

By Mike Thomas, NBHWC April 28, 2024

In the whirlwind of daily life, where everyone is running a marathon at sprinter’s speed, the idea of pausing might sound as bizarre as wearing a swimsuit in a snowstorm. But before you dismiss it as yet another hippie idea that has no place in the real world, hear me out! Taking time to pause isn’t just about having a minute to catch your breath—it’s a secret superpower that can transform your life. At first glance, this seems counter intuitive but this works! Here’s how….

1. The Stress Buster Move

Imagine your brain is like a browser with about a hundred tabs open. Everything is lagging, and you can’t seem to find where that annoying music is coming from. That’s your brain on stress. Now, think about what happens when you finally hit pause: you can close some tabs, figure out where that music is coming from (turns out, it’s just your little brother playing tricks on you), and voilà—your brain browser is running smoothly again! Pausing lets you reduce stress and clear your mind, so you’re less likely to explode when your mom asks you to clean your room… for the third time.

2. Mindfulness: Not Just for Monks

Pausing helps you practice mindfulness, which is basically noticing what’s happening right now without trying to change it. Yes, even if “right now” is realizing you’ve been staring at the same textbook page for the last 15 minutes. Being mindful helps you appreciate the little things—like how epic your lunch actually tastes when you’re not scarfing it down between classes.

3. Supercharge Your Focus

Every wonder why superheroes are so good at what they do? They know when to pause. Taking breaks refreshes your brain, making it easier to focus and smash through your homework or any other villainous task ahead, like figuring out algebra (ugh!).

4. Creativity on Demand

When you pause, you give your creative muscles a workout. It’s like letting your brain go on a little treadmill walk, helping it come up with brilliant ideas and solutions. Next time you’re stuck on what to write for your English essay, just step back, take a breather, and watch the ideas sprint in!

5. Decide Like a Boss

Rushing decisions is like picking a movie based on the poster alone—you might end up with a dud. Pausing allows you to weigh your options like a pro judge on a cooking show, ensuring you make the choice that won’t leave you with regrets (or a bad taste in your mouth).

6. Become an Emotional Genius

Life throws a lot of emotional curveballs. When you’re quick to react, you might end up sending a text you’ll regret (and no, “my dog grabbed my phone” isn’t a believable excuse). Taking a moment to pause helps you handle emotions with grace—think less Incredible Hulk and more Cool Cucumber.

7. Your Body Will Thank You

It’s not just your mind that benefits from a pause; your body does too. Regular breaks can help dodge health bullets like stress headaches and that crick in your neck from too much computer time. Plus, you’ll sleep better because your brain isn’t buzzing at a million miles per hour at bedtime.

8. Level Up Your Friendships

Pausing helps you be more thoughtful and less likely to blurt out something you’ll regret. It’s the difference between saying “that haircut is… interesting” and “Wow, that new style really brings out your eyes!” See? Pause power saves the day (and your friendships).

9. Enjoy the Small Stuff

When you slow down, you start to notice things you usually miss—like how nice it feels when the sun hits your face just right or the way your dog’s ears flop when he runs. Life’s small joys are often in the details we only see when we truly pause.

10. Grow Like a Pro

Pausing lets you reflect on who you are and where you’re going. It’s like checking your map on a road trip; sometimes you need to stop, look around, and make sure you’re not just driving in circles.

So, the next time you feel like you’re juggling flaming bowling pins while riding a unicycle, remember the power of the pause. It might just be the superhero cape you didn’t know you needed. Pause more, stress less, and feel more peace—one breath at a time!

Call to Action… Sit Still

Just like my mom used to say to me when growing up… “Michael!  Sit Still!”  I challenge you to take just 5 minutes and sit down. Focus on your body. Where are you relaxed? Where are you tense?  Breathe in and out. Give yourself a 5-minute pause to be present. You don’t have to wait until you feel like you need it. (see juggling bowling pins above)   You can just do it.

God Bless!


This blog is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to

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