As mentioned in my initial blog post, my intention here is to offer you tools and insights to help you embark on a journey towards better health. This journey is undoubtedly within your reach, and my sincere hope is that you find value in the words I share.
Before we proceed, let’s take a moment to gain some insight and seek clarity. Why should we pursue better health? Why should we strive to lose weight or lower our cholesterol? These are not rhetorical questions. Your answers hold great significance in propelling you towards your health goals. Embracing clarity can open the door to exciting possibilities.
Most of us, myself included, often harbor vague notions of what we desire and why we desire them. First and foremost, I want to emphasize that there is no judgment here. I understand. Our world is filled with busyness, chaos, and with numerous distractions vying for our attention. We may have a general idea of wanting to shed some pounds, and we embark on a path of working out three days a week and consuming more vegetables, and so on. Yet, for many of us, this well-intentioned plan is bound to fail. At best, we diligently execute it for a month or two, shedding a few pounds along the way. At worst, the plan lasts mere days, and we see no visible results. This, in turn, reinforces the internal voice whispering, “I can’t do this” or “I lack the willpower.” Does this sound familiar?
To overcome these challenges, we need to start with a strong sense of purpose and clarity regarding why we are pursuing better health. With your permission, I’ll venture to say that the underlying motivation for your journey lies in seeking more joy in your life. I say this not only based on my own experiences with lifestyle changes but also within the context of the numerous coaching conversations I’ve had over the past four years—close to 2000 of them. We are all yearning for JOY! Naturally, it’s what we desire. But what does joy look like to you?
Here is a typical example: Consider a 62-year-old woman who I’ll call Stella. She is overweight and expresses a desire to lose weight. Why does she want to shed those pounds? Her response might be, “I want to be healthy.” But why is better health important to Stella? She might explain, “When I am at a healthier weight, I can easily get up and down from the floor.” Intrigued, we delve deeper and ask, “Why does getting up and down from the floor matter?” And she reveals, “My daughter just had our first grandson. When he turns two, I want to be able to get on the floor and play with him.” Ah, there it is—pure joy. By posing the question “why” a few times, we reach the heart of the matter. Her specific emotional response and the clarity surrounding why this goal is significant to her will greatly contribute to her ability to sustain her newfound lifestyle. Often, the ultimate answer lies in joy.
Here’s my humble call to action. Reflect upon your own motivations. Connect your plan to your purpose to help you persevere even when motivation wanes. The power of your why (why power) will prove to be a much more reliable force than willpower.
So, reach out and grasp the joy that awaits you on this journey!
Lastly, I strongly emphasize the significant role that community support has in driving meaningful change. I plan to delve deeper into its potential impact in upcoming blog posts. Several years ago, I created a dedicated Facebook group with the sole objective of fostering such support. Known as “More Plants Better Health,” this group features a wealth of recipes, inspiring videos, and a thriving community of individuals eager to offer and receive assistance on our personal health journeys. Feel free to explore the group, and if you find it intriguing, we would be thrilled to welcome you aboard.
Here is the link:
With utmost humility and encouragement,
This blog for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to
Excellent reminder to get to the root of our desires and ignore the “shoulds”! Thanks, Coach Mike!