By Mike Thomas, NBHWC August 22, 2024
I want to introduce you to a concept that was recently new to me and may be of great use to you: habit stacking, also known as habit bundling. If you’re like me, you might find that building new habits can sometimes feel like climbing a mountain. But what if I told you there’s a way to make this process feel more like a gentle stroll? Enter habit stacking.
Habit stacking is a simple, yet powerful technique introduced by BJ Fogg in his book “Tiny Habits,” where you add one tiny habit on top of something you already do regularly. The beauty of this method is that it doesn’t require drastic changes to your routine. Instead, it leverages the momentum of your existing habits to seamlessly incorporate new ones.
For example, if you want to add more stretching to your routine, you could start by stretching for 3-5 minutes each morning right after you make your coffee. It doesn’t have to be anything big. In fact, the smaller, the better!
Let’s dive into some examples of how you can use habit stacking to help you build habits more consistently in your life. Here are ten ideas to get you started:
1. Stretch After Making Coffee
You already make coffee every morning, right? As soon as you hit that brew button, spend a few minutes stretching. This small addition can improve your flexibility and start your day off on a positive note.
2. Drink Water After Brushing Your Teeth
Right after you finish brushing in the morning, drink a glass of water. It’s a simple way to ensure you stay hydrated.
3. Learn a Vocabulary Word After Eating Breakfast
Enhance your language skills by learning one new vocabulary word after your breakfast. Keep a dictionary or a vocabulary app handy and make it a fun, daily challenge.
4. Practice Gratitude After Getting Out of Bed
As soon as you get out of bed in the morning, take a moment to think of one thing you’re grateful for. This can set a positive tone for your entire day.
5. Do a Quick Prayer or Meditation After Using the Restroom
Every time you go to the restroom, use that moment (60 seconds or less) to say a quick prayer or do a brief meditation. It’s a great way to center yourself multiple times throughout the day.
6. Review Your Goals After Brushing Your Teeth at Night
Before you go to bed, right after you brush your teeth, review your goals for the next day. This can help you stay focused and motivated.
7. Do a Breathing Exercise After Leaving the House
Every time you leave your house, take a moment to do a quick breathing exercise. It can help you feel calm and centered as you step out into the world.
8. Recite Affirmations After Getting into Bed
When you get into bed at night, recite a few positive affirmations. It’s a wonderful way to end your day on a positive note and can improve your overall mindset.
These are just a few examples of how you can use habit stacking to make small, positive changes in your life. The key is to link the new habit to an existing one, making it easier to remember and more likely to stick.
Give It a Try!
I encourage you to try an experiment and choose just one thing to habit stack. Pick a small habit you’d like to build and find an existing habit to stack it onto. Remember, the new habit should be tiny—something you can do in just a few minutes or even seconds.
By making these small adjustments, you’ll find that new habits can become a natural part of your routine. So go ahead, give habit stacking a try, and watch as these tiny changes lead to big results in your life!
God Bless!
Mike Thomas is a registered pharmacist and is a board certified health coach. He helps busy professionals who struggle with low energy, high stress and chronic pain